
BodyworkBiz – Another 260 Extremely Practical Tips for Building Your Massage Business

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 BodyworkBiz – Another 260 Extremely Practical Tips for Building Your Massage Business

BodyworkBiz - Another 260 Extremely Practical Tips for Building Your Massage Business

In 2003 I began work on a groundbreaking resource called 260 Extremely Practical Tips. Within six weeks I had received over 400 extremely practical marketing tips from massage professionals around the world covering practically every aspect of filling your massage business.

This year I wanted to create an even better resource to help you build your dream massage business.

The number of BodyworkBiz Marketing Tips newsletter subscribers has grown to over 10,000 massage professionals. This year, I asked my subscribers to help me compile a “master list” of massage marketing strategies, techniques and secrets that can help massage therapists and bodyworkers worldwide to get more clients and build their massage businesses.

Why most massage therapists struggle in their massage businesses…

There is a problem in the massage industry. There are thousands and thousands of very talented massage professionals who have been trained well, who care and who have an excellent track record. But they still struggle to make a decent living. Most industry surveys show that therapists on average make only about $20,000 per year.

It’s sad. This level of income doesn’t reflect the amount of time and money you’ve invested in a massage education or the value of your skills in helping people lead happier, healthier lives.

What’s even more unfortunate is that these low levels of income indicate that we are not reaching all the people who could benefit from our services. There are millions of people who could benefit tremendously from your work. Unfortunately, these people don’t fully understand how they can benefit from massage and more importantly from seeing you specifically for massage.


There are many reasons. For the most part it’s because most massage professionals don’t know how to market their practices effectively and in a compelling way. It’s not something that’s taught to the extent it needs to be taught in massage schools. As a result most massage professionals simply don’t know the full range of massage business-building strategies that can and will help them fill their massage businesses. Often they aren’t aware that there are dozens of unique ways to build a practice that suit their personality and style. And these techniques for building your massage business do not have to be complicated.

Massage professionals tackle the problem, together…

I love the idea of working together, cooperatively. I am convinced that, together, we can help each other fill our practices with quality clients. With billions of people on this earth and so few massage professionals worldwide, there are plenty of opportunities. All we need to do is take a few minutes each to share a few ideas, strategies or techniques that have worked for us.

Think about this for a moment. You are one of over 10,000 subscribers to the BodyworkBiz Marketing Tips newsletter. I figure that, collectively, we have at least 50,000 years of collective business experience between us. That’s a lot of experience and a lot of learning. If everyone shared just two ideas of things they’ve done to help fill their practice, we would have a massive encyclopedic reference of the most effective marketing and business building resources that has ever existed on planet earth.

So I took the initiative to ask the Marketing Tips subscribers to write and tell me: What’s working for you marketing-wise? What are you doing? What are you saying? What are you offering? What are you asking? What have you discovered about what helps clients buy your services?

And you and the others came to aid your colleagues – in a big way!

I was blown away by the outpouring of ideas! Your stories flooded into my inbox. Within two weeks, I had more than enough valuable massage building tips to complete this program, which I’ve simply called: “Another 260 Extremely Practical Tips for Building Your Massage Business”.

I’m honestly floored by your generosity and spirit of sharing. I’m delighted that so many professionals like yourself believe in the importance of increasing the size of the pie rather than fighting for a piece of it.

Get your hands on a $40,000 resource

I’m giving away a free copy of the program to the 260 professionals that contributed. I plan to charge about US$100 for this program when it is fully completed in January. So in effect, I’m paying the equivalent of $26,000 in writing fees. In addition, I estimate the cost of editing, proofing, formatting, web design and delivery will likely cost another $15,000. This is lower than the development cost for the original 260 Tips program, but still pricey.

So essentially, you have access to a $40,000 resource. It’s one of the most valuable marketing resources for massage businesses ever assembled – the best and most effective strategies, techniques, tips and ideas for marketing your massage business. And it’s only $99 for a year of learning.

What you get?

When you order the program, you’ll get instant access to the full collection of Another 260 Extremely Practical Tips for Building Your Massage Business. All lessons will be archived and available for you to view at any time on the web.

These will also be delivered to your inbox daily, from Monday to Friday for a whole year. You’ll receive five concise, incredibly practical, real-life marketing ideas each week, some of which are bound to be perfect for you and your unique business situation.

You’ll start each day with a burst of inspiration and motivation. It also helps keep your mind focused on the all-important task of reaching people and getting them to use your services so that they can benefit from what you offer. After all, being the best massage professional in the world is a complete waste of your time if nobody makes use of your valuable skills.

Each story, lesson, tip, strategy is relatively short and easy to read. There’s no theoretical mumbo-jumbo. As the title says, each idea is “extremely practical”. Most are written entirely by a massage professional like yourself who will explain the how to’s of their particular practice building technique and the results that they’ve achieved as a result.

And what if you need help in a particular area of your business right now? For example, let’s say that the Christmas season is approaching and you want creative ideas to promote gift certificates. How do you find the information you want when you need it?

To help make this reference incredibly timely and practical, we’ve implemented a valuable search function. It makes shifting through this vast database of knowledge a simple process.

If you are looking for chair massage marketing ideas, then simply enter a search term like “chair massage” in the search box and you’ll be given a list of dozens of tips from massage professionals who have successfully used chair massage in unique ways to build their practice – one of which is bound to fit your unique circumstances perfectly. If you want to narrow it down to chair massage in corporations, then enter “corporate” or “corporations” in the search box and you’ll get more specific results.

Getting practical information exactly when you need it couldn’t be easier. You’ll have the best ideas for building your practice literally available at your fingertips any time of the day or night.

You get to interact with the contributors and participants. Other BodyworkBiz e-courses allow you to communicate with me or the other participants through discussion boards. This Another 260 Tips program has taken that concept to a whole new level. We’ve set up the course area so that you and the other participants can leave comments, questions, ideas and suggestions right on the webpage that the lesson is posted on! It becomes part of the lesson. Sharing ideas and getting the specific information you need couldn’t be easier.

You get all this for only $99. It’s unsurpassed value.

Here’s What You’ll Get in BodyworkBiz – Another 260 Extremely Practical Tips for Building Your Massage Business

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Course Requirement: BodyworkBiz – Another 260 Extremely Practical Tips for Building Your Massage Business
Real Value: $99.0000
One time cost: USD35.0000

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