
Christian Mickelsen – Instant Miracle Mastery 2023

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Christian Mickelsen – Instant Miracle Mastery 2023

Christian Mickelsen - Instant Miracle Mastery 2023

Get Ready To Be Amazed At How Quickly, Easily, And Permanently You Can Heal Others And Be Healed Yourself In This Fun Four-Day Certification Event

What if, in the process of becoming one of the most powerful healers on earth, you also healed your own traumas, fears and insecurities that would then unleash extreme prosperity and happiness into your life?


We all have things holding us back in life.

There are invisible forces keeping us from going for it, living life to the fullest, going after our dreams, and keeping us from being as successful as we would like.

Those invisible forces are usually unconscious fears, doubts, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and suppressed and repressed emotions.

And many of them can also lead to health challenges.

Studies show that early childhood traumas lead to health issues, alcoholism, drug use, and anger management problems.

Now that the research is in that these things are holding people back and crippling people emotionally and physically…

…the next question is, what do we do about it?

Unfortunately, most people don’t have tools for resolving these things other than years of therapy or perhaps exploring plant medicines.

At Instant Miracle Mastery,  you’ll learn four powerful techniques that will allow you to heal yourself and others of these unconscious forces that are holding you back.

We’ll show you how to identify the challenges and resolve them quickly and permanently, step by step.

And, if you want to take these skills and turn them into a career or a business, then we’ll show you how to do that in Instant Miracle Mastery as well during your bonus business training sessions.

If you’re already a coach or a healer professionally, these tools will make you even more powerful and confident and make people more willing to pay you higher fees.

And the business training you’ll learn at the event will also help you get more clients quickly and easily.

So now, let’s talk about you…

What Are YOUR Biggest Dreams? What Have You Wanted To Achieve In Your Life But Haven’t Been Able To Yet?

Let me teach you a quick test that you can use to find out if you have invisible forces holding you back.

Think about the things you most want in your life.

What would you want if you could just push a button and have everything you want?

And then imagine what it feels like to have those things.

Now, for most people, it’s going to feel really good to have those things.

But notice, when you think about it, not everybody, for all goals, but many people, for many goals, have angst about the very thing that they want.

They want to fall in love, but they’re afraid to get their heart broken.

They want to lose all the weight and be thin, but they’re afraid to get uncomfortable, unwanted attention.

They want to be rich, but they’re afraid they will get judged or attacked for having more money.

If any of this resonates with you, then you can understand that there’s a problem.

If the very thing you want, you also have fears of…

…you’re going to have a hard time making it happen.

You might take two steps forward and one step back or just give up.

Or you might just keep working and working and working and never get where you want to go.

Introducing the techniques that are going to change all this for you:



Attend Virtual or Live In-Person
Orlando, Florida

February 15-18, 2024

Instant Miracle Technique #1:
The Peace Process

  • How to easily let go of negative emotions & hurt feelings as soon as they come up. A lot of other techniques are impractical & you don’t feel like doing them when a crisis hits. This will become your go-to self-healing technique any time life gets you down.
  • How to coach clients to use the Peace Process to quickly help them resolve any issue or hang-up, in any context, no matter how resistant they are to it at first. (Note: when you do this, their resistance will melt away and they’ll love your coaching sessions even more)
  • Peace Process Mastery Level – new distinctions and keys to make this incredible technique even more effective and let your clients release negative emotional patterns that have been holding them back for years.

Instant Miracle Technique #2:
Muscle Testing

  • What if there was a way to instantly get to the Truth underneath a client’s story so you could quickly eliminate their inner blocks? That’s exactly what this technique does.
  • Discover this extremely powerful way to quickly get to the bottom of any inner unconscious blocks and for supercharging your intuition so you always make the most powerful decisions (ask anyone on my team – I use this technique all the time before making big or small decisions in my business).
  • Get so confident in ‘kinesiology’ or ‘Muscle Testing’ that you can do it on your own, so you can work with clients remotely over the phone, Skype or Zoom without them even knowing how you’re getting to the truth & eliminating their inner blocks so quickly!

Instant Miracle Technique #3:
The Instant Miracle Technique

  • Discover how you can instantly release your client’s biggest inner blocks that are sabotaging their attempts to change their lives (and clear out your own ‘stuff’ before you leave the event).
  • Be gifted with this energy-healing technique so you can heal your own insecurities, limiting beliefs, self-doubts & negative emotions that have been sabotaging your success.
  • Become infinitely abundant – heal up anything that’s blocking the flow of love, health, & wealth towards you.

Instant Miracle Technique #4:
Ultra High Frequency Energy Healing

  • This powerful healing technique is like Reiki ‘on steroids’. You’ll quickly discover the power of energy healing & how it can relieve life-long blocks and patterns of self-sabotage.
  • Experience the power of Infinite Love & learn to receive all the love & appreciation your inner-child has been crying out for all these years.
  • If you’ve never done energy-healing work before, you’ll be blown away by what happens the first time you start noticing the healing energy that you have the ability to gift the people around you.


  • Gain Massive Experience – You’ll be learning and using these techniques with the other participants over the course of 4 days in a small group, led by me personally to make certain that by the end of it, you reach total mastery.
  • I’ll supervise you as you’re performing new techniques with other participants and give you feedback to fine-tune your approach.
  • I will do whatever I need to, to make sure you’re completely qualified to facilitate all of these super-powerful coaching and healing techniques.
  • I’ll be on hand, completely available to answer any questions you have.
  • All the while, you’ll be working on & helping others through ‘real stuff’, so you’ll have many, many personal breakthroughs all the way through the event.
  • By the end of the event, you’ll receive 5 separate certifications proving that you have attained a level of mastery of each of the 4 “Instant Miracle™” techniques. If you’re not quite ready or confident in the techniques, we’ll do everything we can to get you personal coaching during the event to get you there.
NOTE: At this event I’ll be looking for more coaches and healers to potentially add to my team – using these techniques is the ‘secret sauce’ to why our clients are so successful. This event is the ONLY place I look to get coaches for my team.


You’ll use everything you learn at the event on yourself and blast through anything that’s stopping you from accumulating massive amounts of wealth, health, inner-peace & happiness.
In fact…
  • You’ll have 20-50 major breakthroughs in many different areas of your life & business right during this event.
  • Losing weight, healing your body, and staying in shape will become a way of life, that doesn’t take effort to maintain.
  • Attracting & maintaining an amazing relationship with your life partner will become way smoother, easier & more fun.
  • Attracting clients, making money and accumulating wealth will become effortless.
  • Anything that’s ever held you back in any area of your life can be uncovered and resolved during this 4-day event.
  • These are the tools that will turn you into one of the very best coaches and healers in the world with the confidence and certainty to attract high end clients practically on demand.
  • These are tools that you’ll be using for the rest of your life to work through your own challenges with speed and grace.

Join Us Virtual Or Live In Person
In Orlando, FL

You can come to the Instant Miracle Mastery virtual event and get tons of breakthroughs.
But what if you could join me LIVE in Orlando, Florida, so that you can meet your fellow IMM’ers LIVE and in person?
That means you’ll get to go through all of the Instant Miracle techniques LIVE and in person, with me guiding you every step.
It’ll be a great getaway if you’re in a cold and snowy area. Plus, there are all kinds of attractions in the area, like Disney World, Universal Studios, and SeaWorld.
Plus, you’ll attend the VIP 10 Year Anniversary Celebration Mixer the day before the event as we celebrate 10 years of Instant Miracles together.
It’ll be a great chance to network, and, who knows, you might find your next business partner, joint venture partner, or client.
So, there are a lot of perks to coming to the event in person!

What If I’m Not A ‘Coach’ Or ‘Healer’ – Should I Still Attend…?

I believe every single person on planet Earth needs to go through this training, so they can receive the healing, transform their life & then uplift their family, friends, workplace & everyone they’re blessed to touch.
If you want to let go of all the insecurities, fears, limiting beliefs, self-doubts and negative emotions that are keeping you from achieving your highest potential & reaching your dreams, this event is for you.
The good news is Instant Miracle™ Mastery is being held virtually this year. That means you can discover these powerful techniques from the comfort of your home, or wherever you are in the world.


Instead of spending 4 years of your life and $75,000 (or more) to get a college degree that prepares you for a regular job, you can invest just 4 days and $10,000 for the tools that will make you one of the most powerful coaches on Earth and turn you into a rapid growing and rapid achieving machine.
But you won’t even have to pay $10,000. I want to do something awesome for you.
If you register now, you’ll get our early bird special pricing of $2997.

INVESTMENT: $10,000.00

Your transformation begins as soon as you enroll.


Become An Extraordinary Coach And Healer, Attract High End Clients, And Enjoy A Lifetime Of Light Speed Personal Growth In One Of The Most Powerful 4 Days Of Your Life…For Less Than The Amount Each Of Your New Clients Will Be Paying You…
This event is more of a retreat than a course. You’ll experience deeper levels of relaxation & bliss than you may have ever known before.
You’ll also be making deep, lasting connections with some of the sweetest, most loving human beings on earth.
You’ll create friendships that’ll last a lifetime…maybe even meet the love of your life!


Instant Miracle Mastery

Once you register, I will send you your welcome email with more details.
See You Soon!

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Original price was: $2,997.00.Current price is: $79.00.

Get Ready To Be Amazed At How Quickly, Easily, And Permanently You Can Heal Others... File Size: 30 GB.

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