Or maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum and find yourself stressed out because you’ve been in that one private bathroom for over 20 minutes trying to make something happen!
Maybe you have to avoid certain foods that you once loved but know will lead to stomach aches, joint pain, lethargy, brain fog, and more. Or maybe you have to deal with frequent bouts of stomach pain – pain so crippling it keeps you in bed all day.
Gut health is absolutely critical when it comes to your overall well-being.
An unhealthy gut can lead to seriously disruptive, painful chronic conditions such as Acid Reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gluten Sensitivity, Crohn’s and Celiac Disease, Leaky Gut Syndrome and more.
If you rely on pharmaceuticals to cope with the pain and discomfort, you already know that popping pills offers relief for a short time.
Before long the symptoms come back in a BIG way and the next thing you know, you’re back to struggling with stomach discomfort, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, heartburn and more.
When we think of our immune system, we don’t normally think about our gut. But we should.
Over 70% of the cells of your immune system live in or around the GI tract. This means that a healthy immune system is largely dependent on healthy intestines.
If you’ve been feeling like your immune system is compromised lately, the solution may lie in restoring gut health.
And the same goes for depression.
Science is showing us that our brains and guts are very connected.
Do you get butterflies in your belly when you’re nervous or excited? Have you ever had a gut feeling let you know when something isn’t quite right?
Or has a thought ever left you feeling “sick to your stomach”?
Our brain and gut are in constant communication.
Your brain sends signals to your gut when it’s stressed, anxious, excited, happy.
But it’s not just your brain sending signals to your gut!
Your gut also sends signals back to your brain.
If your gut is unhealthy or distressed, it’s sending those signals back to your brain. It’s sounding the alarm to let the brain know something is off.
Over time, if left unchecked, these signals of distress can cause anxiety and depression.
With Energy Medicine having so much to offer your gut, we wanted to bring you a class that gives you our very best, time-tested, and powerful energy-based techniques directed toward healing your gut.
In the initial stages of designing the class, two teachers stood out. They both are advanced Energy Medicine practitioners and highly respected alternative medicine doctors with thriving practices. Dr. Vicki Matthews is a naturopathic physician and Dr. Melanie Smith is a doctor of oriental medicine. Drawing on their decades of experience and proven expertise around gut health, Dr. Vicki and Dr. Melanie have come together to bring you:
All Eden Method classes are approved by Donna Eden herself. Here’s what she had to say after reviewing Vicki and Melanie’s handouts
Your GI tract is inhabited by a dynamic ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms that significantly impact human health. This is called the gut microbiome. The healthier your gut microbiome, the better your digestion.
We’ll cover:
The Digestive System consists of the organs involved in the processing and passage of food through your body. These organs are both hollow (yin energy) and solid (yang energy).
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Energy medicine offers easy ways to help avoid chronic digestive issues and support optimal digestion. We’ll introduce several powerful energy exercises in this module.
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Over 70% of the cells of your immune system live in or around the GI tract. This means that a healthy immune system is largely dependent on healthy intestines. But it is also dependent on a robust gut microbiome.
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Recent studies reveal that alterations in gut microbiome significantly improve emotional behaviors such as depression, anxiety, and stress-related behaviors.
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It’s often said that the gut is the second brain. Many people do trust their “gut feelings” over logic and there may be a good reason for that! Your brain communicates with and receives feedback directly from your gut’s nervous system.
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The role of the gut to brain axis is to monitor and integrate your gut functions. It also helps link the emotional and cognitive centers of your brain with peripheral intestinal functions and mechanisms, including immune activation.
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Recent studies show that 85% of all disease or illness is related to stress. Prolonged stress over time increases inflammation and, via the Gut to Brain Axis, greatly impacts your digestion and gut health, sometimes to the point it’s impossible to heal.
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The vagus nerve facilitates two-way communication from the brain to every organ in your body. 20% of the signal travels from the brain to the gut and 80% of the signal travels from the gut back to the brain.
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The Parasympathetic Nervous System is your “Rest, Restore, Relax, Digest” response and it is within this system that your vagus nerve functions. Relaxation and happy hormones like serotonin, melatonin, and oxytocin are released here, as well as pain reducing endorphins.
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Good gut health involves maintaining the optimal balance in your digestive tract. This means that looking after the health of your gut microbiome is vital for physical health, mental health, immunity, and more.
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One way to support your digestive system is to support the individual digestive organs that make up this system. An important way to do this is using chakra clearing to support individual organs.
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With the basic knowledge from this course and a recognition that taking responsibility for your health is both possible and important, you can readily help your gut microbiome remain healthy and stable so it can help you remain healthy and stable!
We’ll review the important and easy ways to create and support a healthy gut at physical, emotional, mental, and energetic levels.
And we’ll show you how to take what you learned out into your every day life so your gut can support vibrant health, a well-functioning brain, and happiness.
If you are struggling with gut issues, you know how extremely debilitating they can be.
They affect your overall quality of life. You may find it difficult to engage in activities you enjoy, socialize with friends and family, or travel.
Plus, chronic gut issues often require ongoing medical care, including frequent visits to doctors, specialists, and hospitals. These medical expenses can quickly add up, especially if you require expensive treatments, surgeries, or medications.
It can be hard to know where to turn when you are in pain. Even if you are looking for alternatives to medication, supplements and alternative practitioners can also be costly. The cost of just an initial consultation with a naturopathic doctor is $363/hour.
But what if for far less than any of those costs, you could learn to heal yourself?
What if by taking this class, you could begin an empowering journey to use your body’s own healing energy to relieve your gut symptoms?
And not just relieve them, but actually get at the root cause of the problem so they don’t keep coming back.
Imagine how great that would feel?
What would it feel like to become an expert on your own body? To activate your own inner healer…
With Energy Medicine for Gut Health, you don’t have to just imagine healing.
You can make it happen and get the relief you’ve been looking for.
Right now, you can receive 48 techniques to heal your gut for just $345.
And there’s even more when you register today…
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