
Erika Kullberg – 3D Money


Erika Kullberg – 3D Money

Erika Kullberg - 3D Money


With 3D Money, you’re going to have a complete financial toolkit to stop the never-ending debt cycle, stop impulsive buying, completely remove your fear of money, restore your credit, and truly start making your money work for you (just like the rich do)!

Take charge of your finances and your life today.

It’s not just what you need, it’s for the whole family!

Money and Credit: How It Works


Take control of your financial situation and uncover the truth about your spending habits, savings, and debt. Only then can you truly understand your money and take charge of your financial future.

Eliminating Debt: How It Works


Empower yourself to take charge of your financial future by developing a solid plan to eliminate debt, build up savings, and earn more money. You deserve to live a life free from financial stress and worry.

Passive Investing: How It Works


Don’t let your hard-earned money go to waste by leaving it stagnant in a bank account. Instead, learn how to invest wisely and diversify your income streams to secure your financial future. The peace of mind that comes with financial security is priceless.

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?

Were you never taught how to make your money work for you, instead of against you?

Are you longing to break out of the generational cycles that are preventing you from living your ideal life?

This course is for you if…

Are you struggling to save

When it comes to money, a lot of us fall into analysis paralysis

…we know we “should” be doing something with our money (like investing)

but we’re not actually sure “how”

and when we search on Google, there’s an overload of information

it can be hard to sift through and figure out who (or what) to trust

…and we end up just not doing anything.

and I get it. That’s why I created 3D Money for you.

Everything changes for you today

3D Money was designed to handhold you through budgeting, investing and becoming debt-free. With almost 100 video lessons, you’ll gain the confidence to make intelligent decisions with your money, and that has the power to change the trajectory of your financial future.

My “Do It With Me” approach is what has my students raving about this course. I don’t just tell you how to do things. We do them together.

You Will Master…


Learn how to create a budget that you can actually stick to


Learn how to increase your credit score


Learn how to eliminate debt with a 5-step plan


Learn how to invest to make your money work for you

Imagine What Financial Freedom Could Do For You…

Module 1

Module 1 - Decode

In Module 1, you’ll learn how to finally create a budget (one that you can actually stick to)

because as my student Simon put it: “it’s awful to work so hard yet have so little after paying all the bills”

…but by following my signature 5-Step Budget Plan I teach exclusively inside of 3D Money, he says “now there’s a plan to make money work for me”.

and that’s why we start with Decode, so you can truly understand what your spending habits are, how you’re saving and the fastest way to get out of debt. And it even includes a proven budget tracker that I developed to make it easy for you to immediately start saving more and spending less.

Module 2

Module - Design

In Module 2, you’ll learn how to increase your credit score​

Maria, one of my students, used what I teach inside of 3D Money to increase her credit score by 150 points!

also in Module 2, you’ll learn how to eliminate debt with my 5-Step plan…

this is the exact roadmap that I used to get out of $200,000 of debt in less than 2 years

you know what it feels like to be drowning in debt, and the stress and anxiety it causes…

where every payment you make barely seems to make a dent, and it feels like you’re trapped…

Now, imagine what it would feel like for you to be completely debt-free

and not have any monthly payments to worry about

so your paycheck can actually go towards the things YOU want, and to build the savings and investments for the future YOU deserve.

Module 2 will provide the exact step-by-step and tools you need to get out of debt so your once wishful thinking becomes your reality.

Module 3

Module 3 - Divresify

Then in Module 3, you’ll learn how to make your money work for you…

instead of losing out every year to inflation (which will happen if your money just sits in a bank account)​

A lot of people will tell you to invest…​

but then don’t tell you how, or what to invest in​

That changes for you today.

that’s why many people never even start

they’ll say: “what if I do it wrong?” And that fear stops them from ever investing.

I don’t believe in just telling you to invest​

I’m going to show you how to invest.​

I’ll guide you step-by-step through learning what stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds and Index Funds are

I’ll show you on screen exactly how to open an account (and which accounts to open)​

and how to buy those investments​

and how to diversify your portfolio​

You’ll gain the confidence to finally invest in the stock market.

Join Now To Get Lifetime Access To:

3D Money:  An online course designed to help you take control of your finances, learn to invest and achieve financial freedom.
  • Learn how to budget effectively with my 5-step Budget plan
  • Access your budget tracker to organize your finances for life
  • Learn how to improve your credit score
  • Eliminate debt with a 5-step plan​
  • Make your money work for you instead of against you
  • Learn how to invest and what to invest in
  • Increase your net worth



You’ll have lifetime access to 3D Money. That means you can go back to rewatch videos and reference it.


Watch at your own pace. Once you enroll, you’ll get instant access to all of the lessons. You can go through them whenever you want.


You’ll get all updates made to the course, and all future bonuses that are added to the course.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: DECODE

Before we officially kick things off, our first section focuses on getting started with the following lessons:
➡️  How Did We Get Here?
➡️  What I Need From You
➡️  This Is The Starting Line
➡️  What I Promise To You
Videos: 24 minutes total time
The money principles form the foundation of the course.  Before you can start to improve your own finances, you have to be aware of the foundational money principles that people who are successful with their money follow.  We’ll cover all 8:
➡️  Money Principle 1
➡️  Money Principle 2
➡️  Money Principle 3
➡️  Money Principle 4
➡️  Money Principle 5
➡️  Money Principle 6
➡️  Money Principle 7
➡️  Money Principle 8
Videos: 88 minutes total time
In order to get you to where you want to be with your finances, we can’t skip the obvious: we need to figure out where you currently are.  I know it can be scary to actually take a look at what’s going on with your finances and peak behind the curtains.  But this will be the most freeing part, because you’ll actually start to understand where you can improve.
➡️  Where Are You At?
➡️  What’s Your Financial GPA?
➡️  Get Your Credit Report
➡️  Get Your Credit Score
➡️  What’s Your Debt Situation
Videos: 16 minutes total time
⭐ Bonus Material: includes my signature Debt Tracker that’s yours to keep
Knowing your net worth is going to allow you to set targets – we want to see your net worth grow into the millions.  This is how we’ll track that progress.
➡️  Why Your Net Worth Matters
➡️  What’s Your Net Worth
➡️  Average Net Worth By Age
Videos: 18 minutes total time
 Bonus Material: includes my signature Net Worth Tracker that’s yours to keep
The budget section is one of the most popular sections – I receive so many emails each day from students who love this section.  I teach you how to make your budget an ally, and to learn how to save more money without sacrificing your happiness.
➡️  5 Mistakes People Make When Budgeting
➡️ The 50/20/30 Rule
➡️ Your Needs, Wants and Savings
➡️ The Happiness Test
⭐ Also Included: Do It With Me Series ⭐
Follow along as we actually create your budget together on screen
➡️  The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 1
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 2
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 3
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 4
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 4
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 5
Videos: 1 hour and 4 minutes total time
⭐ Bonus Material: includes my signature Budget Tracker that’s yours to keep

Module 2: DESIGN

Your credit score matters, way more than you think it does.  A high credit score can save you thousands when you go to buy a house down the line.  With these simple tricks, you’ll learn how you can easily improve your credit score.
➡️  Introduction
➡️  Why Your Credit Score Matters
➡️  How Was Your Credit Score
➡️ Credit Score Factor 1 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 2 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 3 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 4 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 5 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Monitoring Progress
Videos: 42 minutes total time
It wouldn’t be a complete course from me without some Money Hacks.  This is a collection of my favorites to make more money and save more money, because we should work smarter, not harder.
➡️  Credit Card Perks
➡️  Credit Building Without A Credit Card
➡️  Align Your Bills
➡️ Automate Your Money
➡️ Extend Your Warranty
➡️ Those Pesky Annual Fees
➡️ Your Ally For Purchases
➡️ Customer Retention Department
➡️ Get Your Evidence
➡️ Control Your Emails
➡️ Never Miss The Best Sales
Videos: 40 minutes total time
Eliminating debt is perhaps the most important thing you can do for your finances. Because as long as you have bad debt, you won’t be able to get ahead. This is the exact blueprint I used to pay off over $200,000 of debt in under 2 years.
➡️  What Kind of Debt Do You Have?
➡️  The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 1
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 2
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 3
➡️ How I Saved $70,000+ of Interest
➡️ The Interest Saving Trick I Used 3 Times
➡️ Should We Consolidate Debt?
➡️ Even Debt Is Negotiable
➡️ A 5 Minute Call To Save Your Hundreds
➡️ Automatically Lower Your Interest Rate
➡️ Pay Off Your Debt (Without Paying Any Interest)
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 4
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 5
Videos: 59 minutes total time
Okay great, now you have a few dollars saved up, but where should it actually go?  This section teaches you where you should put your money to get the most return on it.  Follow the 5 Level plan to optimize your money:
➡️  Why You Need an Emergency Fund
➡️  Follow These 5 Levels To Optimize Your Spending
➡️  Keep Your Money Here, Not There
➡️ Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt?
Videos: 26 minutes total time


You’re ready to invest, but how do you actually invest?  Who should you invest with?  What type of account should you open.  Your questions are answered here.  This section features my signature “Do It With Me” series that my students rave about.
➡️  Why Invest: From Customer To Owner
➡️  Compounding Interest
➡️  Where Your Investments Sit
➡️ Get a Tax Break
➡️ Become a Tax Free Millionaire
➡️ Who to Invest With
⭐ Also Included: Do It With Me Series ⭐
➡️ Do It With Me: Open a Roth IRA
➡️ Do It With Me: Open a Brokerage Account
Videos: 35 minutes total time
Now you’ve opened your accounts, so what should you actually invest in?  And what do all of these terms mean?  If you search on Google, that’s the most difficult to figure out: there’s so much out there and you’re not sure who has your best interest at heart and who is just trying to make money from you.  Gain the confidence to become an investor here.
➡️  What Are Stocks?
➡️  What Are Index Funds?
➡️  What Are ETFs?
➡️ What’s Better: Mutual Funds or ETFs?
➡️ What Are Bonds?
⭐ Also Included: Do It With Me Series ⭐
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy a Stock
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy a Mutual Fund
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy an Index Fund
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy an ETF
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy a Bond
Videos: 52 minutes total time
You feel confident with the lingo, but how do you actually now build your own investing portfolio?  The goal is to build wealth, so how do you do it?  There’s a plan here for every type of person, every age.  You’ll identify what type of investor you want to be, and then I’ll give you the sample roadmap based on your type.  Plus, we’ll make it so that you don’t fall for the investing traps that slimy financial experts want you to fall into (to make loads of money from you).
➡️  What Financial “Experts” Don’t Want You
➡️  Diversifying Your Investment Portfolio (for Every Age)
➡️  What Type of Investor Are You?
➡️  Type 1 Investor Action Plan
➡️  Type 2 Investor Action Plan
➡️  Type 3 Investor Action Plan
➡️  Type 4 Investor Action Plan
➡️  Creating Passive Income: The Proven System
Videos: 51 minutes total time

Why 3D Money


This is a way of learning that actually works.  You’re not going to be overwhelmed with 60 minute lectures that drag on and on…

Each lesson is on average 5 minutes.  I keep it short and sweet and actionable.  So you can watch at your own pace, and even go back and rewatch lessons.


You’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.

I can teach you how to use your time most efficiently and make your money work harder for you. I can show you how even with $10, you can start investing. But you do still need to put in the time. Results don’t happen overnight and it’ll take patience and consistency.

You think I’ll tell you a magic formula to investing.​

There isn’t a ‘magic formula’ to investing and anyone who promises you that you’ll double your money by investing in X, Y or Z is probably trying to make money from you. What I will give you is the tools you need to start confidently investing and managing your finances.


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With 3D Money, you're going to have a complete financial toolkit to stop the never-ending debt cycle, stop impulsive buying... File Size: 7.13 GB.

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