Is this Program Right for You?
Are You In Pain?
Do you have chronic pain that just won’t go away? Are painkillers the only thing that your doctors can offer? Are you looking for a better solution to your migraines, back pain, or chronic pain?
Are you Depressed or Anxious?
Are you depressed — whether it’s clinical, undiagnosed, or just a terrible case of the blues? Is there a background static of anxiety that you can’t turn off?
Are you Stressed Out?
Do you feel like stress is gradually getting the best of you? Are your shoulders getting tighter, is your breath getting shallower, and is your patience running thin?
Are You Exhausted?
Do you feel so deeply fatigued and burnt out that you can hardly manage your daily responsibilities?
Do you spend your free time recharging rather than having fun or going out?
12 Proven Benefits of Qigong
Relieve Chronic Pain
Depression & Anxiety Relief
Improve Your Balance
Better Cognitive Function
Lower Blood Pressure
Improve Your Sleep
Increase Bone Density
Boost Energy Levels
Improved Cardio
Improved Muscle Strength
Stronger Immune System
Arthritis Relief
What is Qigong?
Why People Love Flowing Zen Qigong
I’m Sifu Anthony, and Qigong Literally Saved My Life
The Qigong 101 Program
Start the New Year Right
Make BIG changes this year. Decide now to do something for yourself, before the stress of everyday life overwhelms you. This program officially starts on January 16th, 2020, but you’ll get lots of goodies to tide you over as soon as you register.
12 Months of Step-by-Step Training
This program is specifically designed NOT to overwhelm you with ideas or techniques. Instead, it will give you a systematic method that you can follow no matter how busy you are.
On-Demand Instructional Videos
Get weekly video lessons led by me (Sifu Anthony). These on-demand lessons can be accessed at your own pace on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Downloadable Guided Meditations
Feel as if you’re in a live class with me! These guided meditations will make it easy to practice on your own. Play them from your laptop, or load them to your phone or tablet for some digital discipline!
Live Video Conferences
Get your questions answered live, or watch as I demonstrate solutions for other students. Join with your laptop, phone, or tablet. No webcam required. Watch the replay if you miss the live broadcast. (These webinars are typically held on Sundays at 1pm or 2pm Eastern Time, making them accessible to many time zones.)
Direct Access to Me
With some online qigong programs, you hardly get to interact with the teacher, if at all. With my program, I WANT you to interact with me as much as possible. I’ll give you many ways to do that.
The 18 Luohan Hands
Discover all of the famous 18 Luohan Hands qigong set. If you could only practice one set of qigong exercises for the rest of your life, you’d be well served by the 18 Luohans.
The 4 Pillars of Qigong
Techniques are great, but skills are more important for getting results. You’ll learn all 4 Pillars of Qigong: Discovering the Qi, Circulating the Qi, Aligning the Qi, and Gathering the Qi.
Group Energy
You can go at your own pace, but we’ll all be going through the program together. This adds a wonderful group dynamic that makes learning much more fun.
The Curriculum
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Wondering what is taught in the 12-month program? Here’s the curriculum:
Getting Started with the Qigong 101 Program
Module 1: Habits and Willpower
Tiny Habits, and Why You Aren’t Healing
Measuring Progress and Predicting Failure.
Home Run Qigong
Understanding Willpower and Discipline
Module 2: Getting your Vital Energy Flowing
The Ultimate Qigong Technique
Understanding Flowing Breeze Swaying Willow
Learn 100, Forget 75
Skill vs. Technique
Traditional vs. Modern Learning
Module 3: Feeling More and More Qi
Why Feeling Qi is Critical
How to Feel Qi Without Waiting 30 Years
Feeling Qi (and Breaking Bricks?)
How to Feel Qi Even if You’re Skeptical
Module 4: Strength, Flexibility, Suppleness, and Balance
How to Align Your Qi
The Yin and Yang of Strength and Flexibility
The Soft and Supple Will Prevail!
Why You Should Stop Stretching
Physical Balance vs. Emotional Balance
Preventing Injuries and Tightening Bolts
The 3 Types of Balance
Is Good Balance Inherited?
Internal Strength vs. External Strength
Module 5: Gathering More Qi
Learning How to Gather
Bottom Heavy, Top Light
Qi — The Prime Ingredient
Resiliency – The #1 Reason to Gather Qi
The Movement in the Stillness
Don’t Be Futile
What Are We Really Gathering?
Gather Qi, Not Coins
Learning to Love the Warrior Stances
Module 6: Purifying Your Qi
Purifying vs. Protecting the Qi
The Five Statements
Relieving Financial Stress
1% Forgiveness
Loving Kindness Meditation
Memento Mori
Module 7: Cleansing Your Internal Organs
The Organ/Emotion Connection
The Five Elements
Yin and Yang
The Emperor Organ
Module 8: The Seeds of Mastery
Writing Your Own Qigong Prescription
How to Practice the 18 Luohan Hands
Understanding Qigong Sets
Creating Your Own Routines
Exercises Taught:
The 18 Luohan Hands. Learn all 18 exercises from this traditional qigong set.
The Complete 5-Phase Routine: Entering Zen, Smiling from the Heart, Flowing Breeze Swaying Willow, Flowing Stillness, The Closing Sequence.
5 Powerful Visualization Techniques: The Five Statements; 1% Forgiveness; The Gratitude Spark; Metta Meditation; Maranasati Meditation.
9 Auxillary Qigong Exercises: Swimming Dragon, The Bear Walk, Dog Paddle, Shaking the Tree, and 5 others.
The 8 Warrior Stances (Zhan Zhuang): The Wuji Stance; Dragons Embracing the Sun; Playing the Lute; White Crane Spreads Wings; Unicorn Holding the Moon; Hugging the Tree; Monk Gazing at the Moon: Holding the Full Belly
Total: Over 45 amazing qigong techniques taught systematically over 12 months.
Lifetime Access
Once you’ve completed your payments, you automatically get lifetime access to the program. This means that the program will be there whenever you need it, in case you need more than 12 months to complete the program, or in case you want to do the course again in the future.
A Private Facebook Group
Facebook is fantastic for building community. Connect with peers, with my certified instructors, and also with me, no matter where you live!
Download Everything
All of the videos, audios, guided meditations, charts, and documents can be downloaded directly to your computer. This is an amazing bonus that allows you to keep everything offline (as well as online).
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[Webinar Replay] Using Qigong for Weight Loss/Gain
Learn the qigong perspective on achieving a healthy weight; discover the #1 thing you can do for a healthier digestive system; learn which qigong exercises you should focus on; find out what to do about strength training; and discover the thing most people miss when trying to lose weight.
Easy Tai Chi for Busy People (Mini-Course)
At the end of the program, you’ll get access to a short online course called Beyond Qigong: Easy Tai Chi for Busy People. This course will teach you a mini tai chi sequence based on the traditional form. You’ll also learn how to incorporate it into your daily 15 minute qigong routine.
BONUS #6 (Value Plan Only):
[Webinar] How to Trick Your Brain into Practicing Qigong (or Anything) Daily
Feeling frustrated because you can’t seem to get the habits that really matter to you to stick? In this special webinar, you’ll learn the tricks to establishing a daily habit. This info may be exactly what’s been missing in your healthy habits equation!
BONUS #7 (All Plans):
[Webinar] Overcoming Money Blockages and Financial Stress with Qigong
You may be sabotaging your health and your wealth without even realizing it. The good news is that you can use qigong to clear your mental-emotional blockages around money and also reduce your financial stress.
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Course Requirement: Flowing Zen – Qigong 101
Real Value: $25.0000
One time cost: USD
Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!
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