1) A full beginner friendly trading course, teaching you all the basics about daytrading.
2) A Affiliate marketing course, teaching you everything you need to know about Affiliate marketing.
In this section we will go trough all the basics about forex trading. What is it? Best times to trade? What kind of trader are you? Typical beginner mistakes exc.. This is for 100% new traders.. But make no mistake. Even tho you know the game, there’s some golden gems hidden in these videos. Don’t miss out!
To part 2 og the course. This is where it get’s tricky. In this section I’ll show you all the indicators, strategies and how to make trades by yourself. I’ll keep adding videos to this sections sometimes, to keep you learning. Listen carefully and practise a lot!
In this section, we’ll get you trading, all right!! I’ll be going through MT4, out trading platform, how to use it, navigate in it and master it! Let’s get you trading!
This part of the course is for everyone who wants to learn Affiliate marketing. I will teach you EVERYTHING there is to know about Affiliate marketing from a-z, whether you want to implement it within Fredtrading or somewhere else. With that being said, you are ”selling” a free product at Fredtrading AND getting paid for it. This is NOT possible anywhere else
We have studens making 20.000$ a month through this program. Affiliate marketing have NEVER been easier.
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