Above you can buy any workshop you’d like (all amount to $1,800).
You also have the option to get all of them plus my personal help for the rest of September with the September Pass.
Not only do you get access to Cash Creators for the rest of the month where I’ll show you the most relevant to you,
You also get all workshops at a discount, community access to get answers to your questions and weekly calls so you can get clarity on the right steps for you.
If you prefer closer help than a recording – this option may be helpful.
It’s $1000. One time. And your payment is valid for the rest of September regardless of when you sign up.
That means you can start now and get more help than people who join later. And you don’t pay more.
You must be <a href="https://wislibrary.net/my-account/">logged in</a> to post a review.