
Rob Schwartz – Awakening to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth


Rob Schwartz – Awakening to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth

Rob Schwartz - Awakening to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth

Use soul regression, hypnosis-induced inner journeys, and meditations to explore your own pre-birth plan, the Divine Virtues you’re cultivating in this lifetime, and self-empowering ways to guide the trajectory of your life — for greater inner peace, acceptance, happiness, and love.

Recent events have left many of us, even the most devoted spiritual seekers, looking for something more.

You may sense that your life challenges are not random, arbitrary, or meaningless suffering — and long to understand their deeper meaning.

Maybe you want to gain insight into why certain people are the way they are, or why some relationships are so taxing.

Perhaps you want to be empowered so you can emerge from victim consciousness — and instead offer acceptance and gratitude for the challenges in this lifetime…

A deeper understanding of life’s possibilities takes hold when you understand that you planned your own life, before you were even born.

The relationships you encounter, the challenges you face, even your own parents… you planned them out perfectly so you could evolve as a soul and embody Divine Virtues.

And most importantly, so that you could give and receive love.

At the same time, most of what you put in place at the time of your birth is not set in stone. You can make potent healing shifts — and understand that because you planned your life, you’re empowered to change it.

Join us for a fascinating new 7-part course with celebrated Between Lives Soul Regression certified hypnotist Rob Schwartz and his wife, Liesel Fricke, a prolific channeler of Light Being energies and wisdom.

Through soul regression (hypnosis-induced inner journeys), you’ll explore and deeply understand your pre-birth plan…

Rob will share how you can raise your consciousness and vibration to change your life’s trajectory. You’ll discover more about who you really are — your higher self, Divine Virtues, and exactly what your soul wants you to cultivate in this lifetime.

As you get more in touch with the truest and highest vibrational essence of you, you’ll open the doorway to direct communication with Unity Consciousness and the loving, wise, high-vibrational beings that reside in this state of oneness.

Rob unveiled his own pre-birth plan in the course of a major life transition and personal awakening. He’s guided hundreds through between-life regressions to glimpse and understand their pre-birth plans and become self-empowered to influence their lives for the better.

Join Rob and Liesel on this journey to understand the deeper spiritual meaning and purpose of your challenges, relationships, and experiences — as you transform it all into healing, peace, forgiveness, gratitude, and love.

During this life-enriching course, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Discover how even small acts of transformation can have big impacts on the opening of new life-plan possibilities
  • Understand how the bell curve of pre-birth planning possibilities works — and how it relates to karma, raising your vibration, and Unity Consciousness
  • Discern which Divine Virtues your soul is most focused on expanding within you in this lifetime
  • Discover which Divine Virtues lead naturally, easily, and almost effortlessly to the cultivation of other Divine Virtues
  • Explore how consciously partnering with your higher self to help you live your life from a higher vibration will begin to unlock new life-plan possibilities for you
  • Learn about the 4 primary modes of connecting with “deceased” loved ones
  • Sense the unique energy of one or more beloved people or pets and gain a visceral sense — a felt knowing — that they’re with you and they’re well
  • Meet the loving beings who are non-incarnate — potentially including transitioned loved ones, spirit guides, masters, angels, love-light-based collective energies, and more
  • Further discover what you planned for this lifetime — and how to move your plan farther along the bell curve of possibilities to invoke higher vibrational life plans
  • Receive love and support from your future selves to help you now
  • Better integrate your soul’s expansion and learning throughout the timeline of your current incarnation
  • Get a sense of how your soul’s life plan is evolving, and how you and your soul can continue to infuse your plan with quantum energy to unlock higher vibrational versions of life plans
  • Learn about the many methods for discovering your pre-birth plans — so you’ll have myriad paths from which to choose as you move through life

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Rob will guide you through the skills you’ll need to awaken to the spiritual purpose of the life you planned before birth — to help you cultivate greater peace, happiness, and love.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Rob. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore your own pre-birth plan, the Divine Virtues you’re cultivating in this lifetime, and self-empowering ways you can guide the trajectory of your life.

Module 1: How Pre-Birth Plans Are Used for Soul Growth

In this module, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Discover how even small acts of transformation can have big impacts on both the world and the opening of new life-plan possibilities
  • Learn to avoid the pitfalls and low vibrations of victim mentality by realizing the powerful role of co-creation you play in your life
  • Realize that you can mine spiritual gold from the greatest life challenges you’ve faced — or are currently facing
  • Understand how the bell curve of pre-birth planning possibilities works — and how it relates to karma, raising your vibration, and Unity Consciousness
  • Use the meditation experience created by the Beings of Light to perceive the true power of light, love, and energy that is your birthright — and that can help facilitate your continued evolution and expansion

Module 2: How Your Life Challenges Cultivate Your Divine Virtues

In this module, you can:

  • Get gems of wisdom from the Beings of Light regarding selected questions from you and your fellow participants
  • Learn how your soul cultivates the Divine Virtues through your life plan
  • Use the Divine Virtues Exercise to lay bare the direct relationship between your greatest life challenges and the expansion of your soul into your incarnate form
  • Discern which Divine Virtues your soul is most focused on expanding within you in this lifetime

Module 3: Establish a Deep Connection With Your Higher Self

In this module, you can:

  • Receive energy and wisdom from your higher self
  • Begin to experience and perceive yourself as love, your true essence
  • Grow space and flexibility around your mental narrative of what’s occurring in your life — opening the potential for higher vibrational mental perceptions of what’s happening around you
  • Gain an invaluable resource to call upon to feel your connection to oneness, and the love that is that oneness — lessening the importance of the external forms that life takes
  • Explore a Beings of Light channeling about how guilt and shame energies can block deep connection with the higher self

Module 4: The Divine Virtues Deep Dive

In this module, you can:

  • Learn to be proactive instead of reactive in cultivating the Divine Virtues — so you begin to learn new ways to grow and expand, lessening your soul’s need to grow through pain
  • Discover which Divine Virtues lead naturally, easily, and almost effortlessly to the cultivation of other Divine Virtues
  • Learn about the master-key Divine Virtues that, when cultivated automatically, begin to cultivate all the other virtues
  • Explore how consciously partnering with your higher self to help you live your life from a higher vibration will begin to unlock new life-plan plan possibilities for you

Module 5: Penetrating the Veil — Contacting a Deceased Loved One Regression

In this module, you can:

  • Learn about the 4 primary modes of connecting with “deceased” loved ones
  • Sense the unique energy of one or more beloved people or pets and gain a visceral sense — a felt knowing — that they’re with you and they’re well
  • Receive deep love from, and give deep love to, one or more people or pets on the other side
  • Receive wisdom and insight from those loved ones that have transitioned from physical form — including insights regarding your current life plan
  • Hear from fellow participants about their experiences that result from this hypnotic regression — with the opportunity to share yours too

Module 6: Connecting With Beings in Love-Light Form

In this module, you can:

  • Meet the loving beings who are non-incarnate — potentially including transitioned loved ones, spirit guides, masters, angels, love-light-based collective energies, and more
  • Further discover what you planned for this lifetime — and how to move your plan farther along the bell curve of possibilities to invoke higher vibrational life plans
  • Establish stronger luminous threads of connection with those loving beings that can help you on an ongoing basis in life
  • Hear from participants about their experiences of connecting with beings in love-light form

Module 7: Connecting to Your Current Incarnate Self Throughout Your Lifetime

In this closing module, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Cultivate the habit of sending love and support through time and space to help your past selves through the most challenging times you’ve previously faced in life
  • Receive love and support from your future selves to help you now
  • Better integrate your soul’s expansion and learning throughout the timeline of your current incarnation
  • Get a sense of how your soul’s life plan is evolving, and how you and your soul can continue to infuse your plan with the quantum energy it yearns for to unlock higher vibrational versions of life plans
  • Move through a guided meditation to connect with your past and future selves
  • Learn about the surprisingly large number of methods (besides hypnosis) for discovering your pre-birth plans — so you’ll have many paths from which to choose after this course concludes…

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awakening to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth Online Training

We feel honored that Rob Schwartz has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) hypnotist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about exploring your pre-birth plan to guide the trajectory of your life, then you owe it to yourself and those you love to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $97.00.

Use soul regression, hypnosis-induced inner journeys, and meditations to explore... File Size: 11.2 GB

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