
The Social Man – Online Domination

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I’m serious, man – I’ve been killing it since I started using this new, 10-second technique.

The Social Man – Online Domination

The Social Man - Online Domination

Hey man, my name is Stevie.

You know what I love about Tinder and Bumble?

They make it super easy for short, average guys like me to score with the hottest girls.

I’m serious, man – I’ve been killing it since I started using this new, 10-second technique.

Yep, even during lockdown.

I’ll give it to you in a second, because think about it:

With these apps, the only thing that matters are a few good pics, and your words.

Compare that to meeting a woman in person.

You’ve gotta have the right body language… great game…

And if you’re short and average looking like me, there’s no way to “hide” that.

It’s the first thing she sees.

But online, you can hook her with this 10-second technique, no matter what you look like. So…
You’ll Blow Past All The Things That
Would Make Her Reject You In Person

I’ve taught this technique to a few buddies now…

…they all agree: this technique is the single best thing they’ve ever learned.

My roommate Will used it on a 26 year old who ghosted him once she found out he was 39…

Two nights later, she showed up at our door with a bottle of wine…

He didn’t even have to take her out on a date… she was so DTF, and I could hear every damn dirty word and moan she made that night!

I snuck a little photo for him… I think she was liking Will more than the wine 😉

And our friend Ro… he’s gone hog wild with this technique… he just got out of a long relationship and all he wants to do is bang…

…and man, you should see the pics he sends our WhatsApp group.

Models, actresses… and Ro is maybe a seven.
These Girls Are Sending Him The Hottest Pics…

…before he even meets them!

As for me, I hooked up with a lot of girls when I first learned this technique…

But I’ve been seeing this one girl for about three months, and we just had the relationship talk… so it’s looking serious.
Relationship Talk Relationship Talk

She probably wouldn’t have even noticed me in person… she’s three inches taller than me…

…and she is crazy hot, so imagine when she responded to my first message with this:

“lol who are you and what planet do you come from. Do tell.”

Ro was like, she’s gotta be some Russian bot account, bro…

But just like all the other girls, this technique completely sucked her in…

…and it’s like magic, because…
Women Fantasize And Obsess Over
These Exact Words

These are words that are proven to turn on tens of thousands of women.

And the craziest part of all is that they’re stored in a big database that Amazon owns.

Yeah man… that Amazon.

And no, I didn’t hack the database.

The words in this technique are publicly available, for anyone to find.

If I told you where to look – and I will – you could go find them right now.

But I’ll make it way easier, and just give ‘em to you.

Yet I’ve got to warn you – I can’t share this with too many other guys.
The Technique Is Copy/Paste,
And It Makes Women Want To Bang.

Obviously, every guy will want this, but it’s not gonna work if we all start using it.

So make sure you read this all the way to the end, so you know how to use the technique right.
Out of my league

Because look – these apps are the best if you know how to use them.

These girls I pulled… so far out of my league.

Like this one – are you kidding me?

She was such a little vixen in the bedroom… into the wildest shit…

Too bad she started getting clingy and insecure.

(She basically wanted to move in with me after our second date.)

Crazy thing is…
I Was Failing So Hard Before I Discovered This Simple Little Technique.

Has a girl ever responded to you with the words “ewwww?” Look at this!

Yeah – that’s how bad it was. They weren’t just ignoring me, they were actually taking the time to reject me!

Or how about at this one

I laugh about it now, but it was so painful at the time.

And honestly – and this is really tough for me to admit – there was even a moment when I thought about taking my own life.

Yeah, it was that bad…

Ewww You ugly little troll

Because it got to the point where I felt like women really saw me as worthless.

And that’s how I’d seen myself my whole life, too.

Like I wasn’t good enough…

I grew up shy and bullied… and I didn’t even kiss a girl until my sophomore year of college.

And I was a virgin until I was 27, when…
I Finally Landed (A Crazy B*tch Named) Jennie
Crazy B*tch Named Jennie

I mean, I didn’t think she was crazy at the time.

In fact, within a month, my whole life literally revolved around her.

She quickly became a part of my identity… like there was no me, without her.

I only wish I’d seen the warning signs.

Even though I didn’t make much, I spent every extra dollar I earned making her feel like a queen.

I could tell that she really loved it – the expensive purses, the fancy dinners…

My Mom tried to warn me one day, but I was totally blind to what was coming…

…because honestly, it made me feel like a man to spoil Jennie.

And yeah, I started off insecure, because she’d had a few boyfriends before me…

But after two years, I was overcoming my jealousy.
I Decided To Propose To Her…

I skipped lunches at work for three months, so I could save extra money for a ring.

But then, just after I bought it… the pandemic hit.

Two weeks later, I got laid off.

I had zero in savings, and all I was thinking about was how to make my next rent payment.

Now this is where a good woman is supposed to have your back, right?

To tell you that everything is ok… that you guys are gonna make it through this together.
You Know What Jennie Did When I Told Her I’d Been Laid Off?

She replied,

“Well, I guess that means no date night tonight. That sucks.”

The lockdown hadn’t started yet, and I couldn’t let her know I was broke, so I replied that I wanted to take her to the fanciest restaurant in town.

“We’ll be ok babe,” I told her, and she perked up a little bit.

I decided to propose to her that night… it was so perfect – I had the ring brought out on her dessert plate, and yeah – she loved it and she said yes!

We were laughing and smiling when the bill came, so I didn’t even notice that it was $300… I just slipped the waiter my credit card.

Moments later, he came back with a grim look on his face.

“I’m sorry sir, but we’ve tried three times, and your card isn’t going through.”
It Was My Only Credit Card. My Heart Sunk.

That’s when I looked at the bill.

My popping eyes must have given away my horror, because when I looked up, I saw a strange look in Jennie’s eyes – like I’d betrayed her.

That look became anger when I asked her meekly “um, babe, can you get this one?”

She was not happy.

As if – after all the sacrifices I made for her – I’d done something wrong.

She was cold as ice as we walked to the car. Then, out of nowhere, she started yelling at me…

“How could you embarrass me like that, after such a special moment??? How could you be so irresponsible???”

And like the little wussbag that I was, I actually apologized to her.

But she wasn’t having any of it.

All of my attempts to explain things only made her more angry.

She kept accusing me of “playing big” and pretending to be a “30k millionaire.”

I finally started arguing back, and by the time we reached her apartment, she was practically spitting in anger, and that’s when she laid it on me…

“I can’t believe I said yes to you. You’re not ready to marry a woman like me… you’re such a little liar… such a little man!”

She Threw The Ring At Me, And Started To Storm Out Of The Car!

I grabbed at her hand to try to keep her from leaving – I just wanted to calm things down and work it out – but she started to scream and shake me off.

As she ran away from the car, neighbors appeared on their balconies to see what the ruckus was all about…

…and I knew I was done for the night.

I tried to get her back for weeks – I did some pretty desperate stuff, no point in sharing it here, but it only made things worse.

I was still holding on to hope when my roommate Will was like…

“Bro, I’m gonna set up a Tinder account for you. Just see who else is out there…”

I agreed, but was still consumed by Jennie, so I really half-assed it.

My self-esteem was so low that I didn’t honestly expect any women to respond to me.

My profile photo was weak, and every message I’d send was like “yo” or “what’s up”.
Women Were Ignoring Me, Or Mocking Me
Nice Pics

It was seriously depressing, and then one day, about two weeks in… within 20 swipes, there was Jennie.

I swiped right and messaged her…

…and her response to me?

“lol look at u little man. are u telling the girls how broke u are?”

Those were the words that made me think about ending it all.

But today, I couldn’t be more thankful for her rejection.

Because not only did I avoid a life of misery with that shallow, gold digging ho, but…
The Hookups I’ve Had Since Then Make Jennie Look Like A Bag Of Wet, Rotten Leather.

For that, I’ve got two guys named Tripp, and Christian to thank.

They’re the ones who taught me this technique… and so much more.

Tripp has a huge YouTube channel – I found it when I went looking for “tinder advice” after the body blow from Jennie’s nasty message.
Tripp on YouTube

And this guy is legit… nearly a million subscribers, and it’s because he knows exactly what he’s talking about.

I watched his videos for hours, and bought a few of his courses…

It felt like he was the big brother I’d never had, and he helped me understand all the mistakes I’d made with Jennie and hell… with women for my whole life!

I felt like I knew him so well that I had to reach out to him.
I Was So Desperate, I Wasn’t Sure If He’d Respond

…but I told him my whole story… and I was amazed when he replied to me.

“My man, thanks for being brave and reaching out. I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. I know things seem shitty right now, but I live to help guys like you.

We can do a free 30-minute call and see if we’re a good fit – I’ll have my assistant Sarah propose some times.”

Our call was amazing. It went for an hour, and Tripp recorded the whole thing for me so I could go back to the advice again.

But at the end of it…

I had to admit that I had no money for more coaching.

The stimulus check had saved me, but I couldn’t afford his hefty hourly rate.

Tripp thought about it for a minute…
Zoom Call

“Ok, tell you what – my friend Christian and I are about to release some new training, and we’re looking for guys to join our test group. I’ll see about getting you in, because you fit the profile of someone who we’re looking for in the group. Sarah will get back to you with more details, ok?”

A week later, I got the email from Sarah, with a link to Tripp and Christian’s first Zoom call…

…the title was…
“What Amazon Knows About What Women Want”

…which seemed a little strange to me…

But Oh. My. God. This shit is crazy.
Kindle Highlights

You’ve heard of the Kindle, right? Amazon’s electronic book?

Well, it’s got a feature that lets you underline sentences – just like in a real book.

But unlike a real book, every sentence that gets underlined is stored on Amazon’s databases…

…and when enough people underline the same sentence, it becomes what’s called a “popular highlight.”

So you can actually buy a Kindle book, open it up, and see what everyone else has been highlighting.

And here’s what Tripp and Christian had figured out:

There’s a whole category of books that women go absolutely bonkers over:

Romance Novels, and Literotica.

You know, like that book 50 Shades of Grey?

Ok, get this: over 9 million romance novels were sold in 2018…

Totaling over 1.5 billion dollars in sales.

They’re the #2 eBook category on Amazon, because they’re basically the female version of porn sites.
These Are Like Crack For Women
50 Shades of Grey

…but most of us guys don’t even know about them!

So Tripp and Christian – they went through hundreds of these books to figure out why women were so addicted to them…

…in fact, they broke it all down and figured out the exact psychological triggers that made women so turned on.

By the end of our first Zoom call, Tripp had shared some of these triggers…

…and I learned more about women in that hour, than I had in the first twenty seven years of my life.

But the second call was even better, because that’s when they rolled out the techniques.

You see, during their research, Tripp and Christian kept meticulous track of every single popular highlight…

…5,468 of them, to be exact.

Then, they went through these highlights and categorized them.

For example, they had one category called…
“Techniques That Make Women Jealous”
Techniques Spreadsheet

But there were so many more, like…

“Techniques That Make Women Feel Special.”

“Techniques That Challenge Women”

“Techniques That Make Women Chase Men”

“Techniques That Make Women Think They’ve Made A Mistake”

…and so on.

By the end of the call, they gave us one technique from each category, and told us to go have fun.

And boy, did I…

Not that every woman responded to me. I was still using the same weak profile photo…

…and I didn’t know which technique to use

But by the day of the third call…
I Was Deep Into Three Conversations On Tinder

All of the girls were pretty cute… not like models or anything, but none you’d hide from your friends…

…and one of them was aggressively messaging me to meet up that night.

But of course, I couldn’t skip the third call, and I’m so glad I didn’t.

Because that’s when they told us how to make our profiles better.
Romance Novels

You see, about 95% of the male characters in these romance novels have certain “traits.”

Sure, they’re all different… some are bad boy drifters, some are alpha businessmen, some are loner cowboys…

…but according to Tripp and Christian’s research, these guys all shared the same seven character traits…

Traits that make women obsess over them.

As Christian likes to say:
“A Woman May Fall For A Guy’s Lines, But She Falls In Love With His Character.”

So Tripp and Christian helped us craft our profiles in a way to project these traits…

We all laughed when Tripp said it’d make us “tantalizing,” but holy shit was he right.

Even without changing my awful photo, I had more women hitting me up that week, than I had in the entire four months I’d been using it previously.
Huge Win

And I had a huge win that week.

One of the girls came over to my place, and actually went down on me… without expecting anything in return!

(obviously, gotta blur this girl’s eyes for her privacy)

I totally would have reciprocated, and I could feel her wearing sheer, lace undies when I reached below her belt…

but she smiled at me all coy, gently removed my hand, and said “no no no big man, you’ve got to wait till next time to get down there…”

Are you kidding me?

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Online Domination

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Get The Social Man - Online Domination, I decided to propose to her that night… it was so perfect - I had the ring brought out on her dessert plate, and yeah - she loved it and she said yes!

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