
Celinne Da Costa – The Journey


Celinne Da Costa – The Journey

Celinne Da Costa - The Journey

Join me to Master the Energetic Experience of Being Human.


You have a deep hunger for knowledge and growth. Your Soul is constantly seeking to evolve and elevate into its truest essence. Embracing this journey of becoming the best and most aligned version of yourself isn’t just important… it is a sacred calling that you were born to answer.
You’ve always existed in a realm beyond the ordinary, connected to your intuition in ways that most don’t understand. Your dedication to carving out your own path is a testament to the depth of your commitment and the strength of your Soul.
You connect with me and the work that I do because we’re on a similar path, and you’re ready to birth the magic that lives inside of you.


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    You know you hold something so unique and sacred inside of you – but you were conditioned and tamed to believe that your gifts are taboo or “all in your head.”
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    You’re familiar with the feeling of being shunned and shamed for being your quirky, authentic self… you spent a lot of your life in hiding, not allowing people to see who you really are.
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    You feel a deep calling to finally break free from the suffocating character armor you’ve worn your entire life, and to let go of unconscious belief systems that have held you back from stepping into your Soul’s highest purpose…
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    You’re ready to become the Master of your own Story, to design and live out the life and business you desire beyond your wildest dreams.

BECOME AN ENERGETIC MASTER –at rewriting the story of your life and business.

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    The Journey Vault covers you across four Pathways: Subconscious, Storytelling, Strategy and Soul.
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    Inside this Vault, you’ll receive 12 months’ access to ALL of my self-led offerings and programs: every recorded course, masterclass, guide, meditation, and workshop I’ve ever created and will create during our time together.
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    Plus, quarterly live group Q&A’s with me so that I can personally support you through your journey.
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    You’ll unlock the teachings that have supported the quantum growth of top industry experts and Fortune 200 companies, and now instantly yours to binge on and activate the next stage of your evolution, at your desired pace.

Introducing The Journey

The Journey is mapped into 4 core Pathways to guide you as you travel through the vault: the SubconsciousStorytellingStrategy, and Soul.
All of these Paths gracefully interweave and lead you to the same destination… which is You, coming home to your Self — in beauty, love, and grace — in both your personal and professional life.
Watch the video to learn more about what you can expect to find (and become!) once you join.


Set yourself free from past conditioning and limiting belief systems,

And instead, consciously choose to actualize the unlimited potential that lives inside of you into reality. Get ready to remember and connect with your power, get back into the driver’s seat of your destiny, and make empowering decisions that lead you towards fulfilling success in all areas of your life.

Understand your unique operating system and how to design a life in alignment to your purpose and core values.

You’ll learn how to masterfully navigate your inner landscape and translate your inner world into a desired external reality through your words, thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Balance what you’re Doing with who you Be,

So that you can feel fulfilled and joyful as you grow your business, increase your income, expand your influence, and change people’s lives.

Develop an “un-f*ck-with-able” mindset, become more emotionally intelligent, and heighten your connection to your physical and energetic bodies,

So that you know how to get yourself back into alignment, and have a laser-sharp compass to know how to navigate the death and rebirth process every time you’re ready for your next level of personal and professional expansion.

Get clear on your purpose and Soul service,

So that you can take intentional, strategic action that will efficiently grow your brand and business.
This container is designed to help you unlock and harness the power that lives inside of you – and to help you become more of who you are meant to be in your life and business.


Making deep and transformative changes in your life doesn’t need to be a tedious process that requires extensive education or years of therapy.
There’s nothing wrong with you that needs to be “fixed.” This is not about needing to be good enough “so that you can…”. Neither is it about needing to “do” more to be worthy of your God-given right to be a happy, healthy, and highly functioning human creating amazing things on this planet.
It’s much simpler than that – this is about peeling back and shedding the layers of what is NOT you, so that you can naturally and organically become more of what is you, and in the process… take aligned, heart-led steps towards your Soul’s journey here on Earth.
The Journey is designed to be your trusted companion and a healthy, safe container to hold you as you walk the path.


the fourPATHWAYS

and Their Archetypes


The Ruler of the Underworld

Learn the Persephone codes that will equip you to not only see, but to thrive in the dark.
These are the Ninja skills that you need to safely traverse the unseen realms of your subconscious and transmute darkness into light.
In the Subconscious path, you will learn how to navigate the inner workings of your subconscious mind, how to find and integrate your unconscious shadows, and bring more awareness into your daily life so that you can mentally, emotionally, physically, and energetically free yourself from being in a survival state and instead reclaim your existence as the Creator of the life you desire.


The Magician

As you empower yourself to better understand and navigate the landscape of your inner story, you’ll wield the Magician’s power of becoming the Creator of your reality.
In Storytelling, you’ll learn the art and science of storytelling, how to skillfully craft stories that change your life and the lives of others, how to create a premium brand that’s authoritative, authentic, and respected in the market, and how to not only tell – but become – the greatest story you’ve ever told (online and offline).


The Warrior

Build the strategic scaffolding of your brand and business vessel, so that you have a robust vehicle to hold what wants to be creatively birthed through you.
Once you’ve made your way through the Strategy path, your Money, Abundance and Business wisdom will come alive.
In this pathway, you will learn the trialed-and-tested strategies from me and as well as other experts on how to create more financial prosperity, systemize your business, craft Soul-aligned offerings, and grow your income, influence, and impact in a way that is sustainable, authentic, and nourishing to your Soul.


The Lover

All is relationship. What you seek is inevitably seeking you – this is your Journey into the deepest levels of embodying your incarnation here on Earth – a grounded being with roots deep into our earth mother Gaia, with branches that stretch towards the center of the Galaxy.
In Soul, you’ll remember how to tap into your inner mystic and create a deep, lasting connection with your Soul and listen to your inner voice. You’ll open up a direct line of communication with your highest Self, so that you can navigate your important decisions from your inner Knowing rather than defaulting to your external environment.
When you take each step in alignment to Soul, you’ll inevitably end up exactly where you’re meant to be… which is more grandiose and spectacular than your mind could ever fathom!


The Journey is for you if you’re a self-starter who’s looking to simultaneously uplevel in multiple areas of your life (the key ones being career, money, visibility, relationships, wellness, and self-worth) – at your own pace and choose what to focus on without the pressure of following along with the pack…as is the case with live group programs.
From my own personal experience, I know that the journey of mastering the energetics of being human can feel demanding and overwhelming at times.
That’s why I created The Journey: to provide a safe, empowering space for purpose-driven Souls to explore their spiritual and self-development path without feeling overwhelmed, lost, or intimidated by the process.
You’ll discover a fast-track to overcome your own limitations, practises on how to create true radical transformation within yourself, and unlock the power of your unique story so that you can discover what you’re really made of.
You trust yourself to learn and implement the codes, go at your own pace, and come to the Q&A’s to ask questions and receive support when needed.

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